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Showing posts from November, 2014

From the Mouths of Babes

This is a letter that London wrote to the judge residing over the horrific case of Puppy Doe. It takes alot of courage and so much compassion for a child to stand up for what they believe in. It always starts with what a child is taught, and that can only be reinforced by our example. Always speak up when you see abuse. Never stay silent!


Teaching Children Compassion not the same as sympathy, empathy or altruism, although each plays a part. The compassionate person feels the suffering of another and makes positive steps to alleviate that suffering.   During his talks, the Dalai Lama emphasizes how important it is for children to experience compassion from their parents or caregivers, from birth.    True compassion is being highly attuned to your child's needs and accepting them for the unique person they are.    From birth, compassion is something that can be taught and developed. And the earlier, the better! Model Compassion:   Show compassion towards your child and towards others.   From the start, every child needs to feel loved and secure to thrive. Their needs must be respected, if we expect them to respect others.   Security comes from knowing that they can count on their parents or caregivers. It comes from knowing that they will be listened ...