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Showing posts from February, 2015

Ask London # 2

  This week, the question for London comes from Amy Jo Martin, an animal advocate herself, and mommy to many fur babies!   Her question is, "How often should I give my dog a bath?"   Here's what London recommends! Be sure and post your questions by Thursday, so London can have a great answer for you on Friday! Thanks again Amy Jo!

Ask London #1

Here is the first question from our new series, Ask London! London's Aunt Diane asks, "How do I keep my new puppy, Bentley, from chewing my slippers!" Here's what London had to say!   Make sure to post your questions for next Friday! Thank you!

I Heart My Dogs

  I was listening to a radio show this afternoon, while I waited for my daughter to come out of school.   I listen to it quite often, and mostly find myself in disagreement with the two male hosts. Especially when the topic has anything to do with pets or animals in general, for that matter.   Today, they were asking listeners to call in and tell them if they consider their pets to be family. If they call their pets their kids or grand kids, or if they refer to themselves as mommy or daddy to their pets. I must admit first, that whenever I hear that the topic these two radio hosts, Dominski and Doyle are going to talk about is anything pet related, my blood begins to boil! They never have anything positive to say about animals, or the people who love them. They have no tolerance for animal can hear the disdain in their voices, and quite frankly, it pisses me off! I immediately envision letting my nine year old call them, on air, and give them a piece...

London On My Mind (Our New Series)

  We are starting a new little project! Every FRIDAY, starting on February 13th, London and I will answer one of your animal related questions! London will also read a recent post from her Facebook page,(Children Helping Animals In Need) and comment on the only a nine year old animal activist can! So, if you are wondering about rescuing or adopting a pet, what healthy foods to feed the Guinea Pig you just brought home, how you can be more involved in animal welfare, or even something difficult, like what to say to a child when their beloved pet dies. Please have your questions posted by the Thursday before. London is looking forward to doing her best, at answering your questions! Please post your questions in the comment section on this blog OR on London's Facebook page, Children Helping Animals In Need. London with Will and Alabama Click on the video below, to watch London at 7 years old, telling me her opinion on dog fighting.....awwwwww.  ...