Voices Unheard: The Plight of Carriage Horses in New York City In the bustling heart of New York City, amidst the towering skyscrapers and frenzied pace of urban life, a silent struggle persists. Carriage horses, once iconic figures in the city's landscape, now bear the weight of a contentious debate on tradition, ethics, and animal welfare. As the hooves of these majestic creatures echo through Central Park, their silent suffering calls for a reevaluation of the practices that bind them to a life of toil. In the name of tradition, these horses traverse crowded streets, pulling carriages filled with curious tourists seeking a romanticized glimpse of the city. However, behind the quaint façade lies a darker reality – one where the noble animals find themselves overworked, facing physical and emotional distress that often goes unnoticed. It's time to confront the uncomfortable truth: the tradition of carriage rides in the heart of New York City may be romanticized, but it comes a...
Kindness is giving hope to those who think they are all alone in this world. We have one mission. To see an end to animal abuse in our lifetime. Sharing ways to live a compassionate, kind, healthy life. And give back to our planet and it's animals.