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Welcome Back! Here's What You Can Do To Be A Kinder Parent

   Hi Friends, and welcome back!
                                                                                                                                                                      I have been away for quite some time. I was missing my blog and the intentions I had put in place for it.  I have been busy with a second charity I started about two years ago. And I am planning another blog for that charity as well. It's called Art Of Innocence. Art Of Innocence FB

Do you remember the heart-shattering, mind numbing, abuse case of Puppy Doe? It brought animal advocates together like never before. London and I attended the vigil that was held for her in Philadelphia, years ago.
From all over the world, outrage, heartbreak and support had poured in for this sweet, innocent dog.
A dog who was abused and tortured so horrifically, that she had to be euthanized.
Animal activists have made sure that Puppy Doe's life was not in vain. Puppy Doe has raised awareness of animal abuse to a whole new level.
If you haven't heard of this poor dog and her case, just Google Puppy Doe. Puppy Doe Case

Her evil abuser has been caught, convicted, and serve the sentence that he deserves.
What makes a human do such a vile and sick act?

London and I believe that it stems from, in most cases, not being taught empathy and compassion for our animals, from a very young age.
I believe one of our biggest responsibilities as parents, is to talk and engage with our children, about empathy and kindness to all living beings.
Compassion for other children, animals, adults, and our planet, is the foundation for healthy emotional intelligence. Our children learn what they see and what they hear from us. And if we act and speak with love and kindness, they will learn compassion., and model our kind behavior. Having a pet or many pets as part of your family, and treating them with kindness, and as well as you treat all human members, is the building block of success for teaching them compassion. They see it, and they will follow your example.
Bringing an end to animal abuse, has to start at home. It has to start with us, and with our children. They are the future and they hold the key to the possibility of positive, lasting change.

Here are a few really simple things you can do with, and for your children to show compassion to our animals:
1. Read animal stories, and watch animal related movies with messages of hope and kindness. A Dog's Purpose
2. Spend time each and everyday with your pets. Have playtime with them and your kids. 
3. Have your kids brush them, walk them, play with them in the yard or at a park.
4. Bake them a special treat for a specail occasion, or any occasion. Homemade Treat Recipes for Dogs
5. Celebrate their birthday  or their Gottcha Day!
6. Make sure your kid's friends know you have a pet, and respect your pet's space.
7. Make a trip to the vet for a checkup a family affair. After all, our pets need a yearly checkup too!
8. Give them a bath and brush their teeth.
9. Never yell, hit or throw things at your pet. They should be treated just as you treat your children. Remember, you set the example.
10. Take the time, when the end is near, to explain to your children the finality of death. If they are comfortable with it, let them say goodbye and be there when your precious pet, crosses the Rainbow Bridge. This simple act is a huge comfort to your pet. Never leave them alone.

Thanks for catching up with me here today! I will continue to bring you ways and ideas to help spark that light that lives in all of us, especially in our children. That light that brings hope to others, just by the example we set.

Until next a light, be kind, and be an example of goodness.


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