help is urgently needed to save lives. Soi Dog’s clinic, in Thailand, is not able to
cope with the growing number of dogs needing urgent medical treatment. A
bigger and better hospital is urgently needed to save these dogs lives.
To find out more, please click here.
Major funds funds are desperately needed.
day, Soi Dog is called upon to rescue and help dogs who need immediate
and critical treatment to survive. These dogs may be victims of abuse
such as beatings, being set on fire or victims of road accidents. Most
tragically, they often rescue young mothers unable to care for their
puppies and often puppies with no mother at all. Soi Dogs current clinic
simply does not have the space or facilities for the number of dogs
needing help. Dogs are dying as a result and your help is needed to save
being a child, all alone in a storm, on the side of a busy road with
hundreds of cars speeding past. Sadly, this was the reality for four
month old Smoocher.
skinny and covered in ticks when found, Smoocher was rushed to Soi Dog's
clinic suffering from severe anemia, blood parasites and diarrhea.
Smoocher would have died had he not received emergency treatment.
Smoocher is one lucky dog who was saved by Soi Dog’s vets. He received immediate treatment before it was too late.
has now made a full recovery and is now loving life, playing, eating and
sleeping in the puppy run until a loving home can be found for him.
Because of people just like you Smoocher has come a long way from the
sad, sick and desperate little puppy that first came to Soi Dog.
Smoocher was able to be saved, but many dogs out there do not get a
second chance like he did. Only you can change that by donating to help
build the much needed new hospital.
If every person who reads this and spreads the word, could donate a small amount, we would make such a huge difference in the lives of these homeless and neglected dogs.
Together, we can make this new year the beginning of their new lives! Please consider supporting this cause and helping to change an angel's life forever.

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