We have loved animals our entire lives.
And, we know you understand this kind of love,
because you love them too.
And, we know you understand this kind of love,
because you love them too.
We want you to know that what you do every minute,
of every day, all night long, without thanks or respect,
gratitude or understanding, does not go unnoticed.
We want you to know that someday, all the abuse,
neglect, sadness and cruelty, will be a thing of the past.
A nightmare that has finally ended.
We believe this, because we believe in you.
We believe this, because we believe in you.
We want you to know that what you are doing now,
what you are bringing to light now, is beginning to
change the world for animals.....now.
And, we want to thank you, now.
For all that you have done, all that you continue to do,
and all the incredibly difficult, sad, relentless work
that you will do in the future.
We'd like you to know we are positive that the world
we see in our future, will be big and bright, kind and
compassionate, warm and caring, for all living beings.
In our hearts and in our dreams, we see a world
that is kind and generous, soft and sweet, and empathetic
to all our animal companions.
We believe in you.
We fight with you.
We learn from you.
We look up to you.
We want you to know all of this,
because we see ourselves in you.
YOU are our living heroes.
Your time has come to shine.
With all of our hearts, and all our dreams for the future, we thank you!
~Children Helping Animals In Need
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