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Showing posts from June, 2024

Dear Maggie Mae

   Dear Sweet Maggie, It feels almost impossible to put into words the depth of the sadness and emptiness we feel without you. Fifteen years, Maggie. Fifteen years of unconditional love, joy, and companionship. You were more than just a pet; you were a part of our family, a constant presence in our lives, and a source of endless comfort. Now, the house feels so quiet, so still, without the pitter-patter of your paws or the soft thud of your tail against the floor. I remember the day my mom and dad adopted you.  You were just a tiny bundle of fur, full of energy and curiosity. Over the years, you grew into their faithful friend, always there with a wagging tail and those soulful eyes that seemed to understand their every mood. You had a way of sensing when they needed comfort, nudging your head under their hands, offering silent support. When mom had her stroke back in September, we took you in, wanting to make sure you were cared for during such a difficult time. You adapted so well to